Thursday, October 28, 2010

cagedmoon is where all the new posts are at

i stopped updating livingnowonladders for now because i can't have two blogs. that's too many to update. so go to to see all new posts.
and maybe someday i will update livingnowonladders again. we'll see.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Oh the frustrations we found along the way

So just when you think things are going smoothly, someone comes and steals the laptop with the script on it. Just when you start to rewrite the script, the website does strange things that take hours to fix. Just when you think you can focus on your character, you have to pack up your apartment and move. Just when you are getting really close to someone, they leave on a moment's notice. So I must remind myself of the GOOD things happening right now: We have an awesome team of people that really care about our show. We have donations rolling in on kickstarter. We will have a yard at our new place! And the script might be even better because of this rewrite. Ok, off to pack some boxes. The show must go on.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

create space

I had the privilege of hearing writer/director Craig Lucas speak last night at Atlantic Acting School. He said so many inspiring words that I really absorbed and can actually use today, tomorrow, and five years from now. One of my favorite things is to hear smart, creative, people talk about what they have learned in a non-intimidating way.

There are four things that will halt your productivity.
-other people's opinions, the past, drama, worry.

As a director, your job is to create space for actors to arrive at the right decision instead of telling them exactly what to do.

If you think you know something, you can't learn it.

People come to the theatre to see the mess of life. Color, behavior. When they leave, you don't necessarily want them talking about the beautiful sets or costumes, you want them thinking about how they connected their own life to what they just saw.

Surround yourself by talented people just starting out. Don't go after the big names just because they are big names.

Friday, June 25, 2010

The thinking of things that turn into songs

It's funny the randomness of thoughts, and the happenings around you that turn into new, ideas. In one way or another, these are the thoughts that have been floating around in my head, meeting and merging, and taking shape.

Sweeney Todd, split personalities, moving, identity, creating arcs in songs, carnivals, Sunset Rubdown's song "I'm Sorry I Sang on Your Hands That Have Been in the Grave," crazy Gretel film shoot

As a songwriter, I am trying to limit myself less and allow myself to create non-judgmentally.

look for this song soon on my website:

Feed me Sounds

measure me
let the light refract
how much have i grown
disturbance in the air distracts
may sun gone
fight with identity is lost and it's won

i see a left hand writing
it belongs to myself
it's cut off and sitting
sitting on a shelf
and i hear things
i hear things

i hear scary noises from the bottoms of chairs
rumbling under beds, and serpents under stairs

fuel me everything
and feed me sounds
fuel me everything
and feed me sounds

move forward with your things and ideas
hollowed out by fields of ideals

may sun gone
fight with identity is lost and it's won

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Look out for dreams that keep returning

Some words for each of my current top albums

Devendra Banhart - What Will We Be: you know how when someone is so good, you’re filled with a flurry of confusion ranging anywhere from rage to complete and utter peace; oh devendra, if only i was you, or you were me…or we could at least meet

Mason Jennings - Blood of Man: i’ve been a mason jennings fan from day one and i love how each of his albums is so different than the last; here is a songwriter who is never afraid of being himself

Broken Bells - Broken Bells: i know we all have our feelings of ‘what happened to the shins?’ but i truly do love this album; it’s think it’s cool that james mercer sensed it was time for a change and decided to take a risk; my only worry is how immediate my love for it was - i tend to get bored with those albums quicker

Yeasayer - Odd Blood: you know when you just want to have a dance party? yep.

Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros - Up From Below: you know how when you love a band…and then you hear them on the radio…and then you want to hate them…because why would YOU listen to anything on the RADIO? that’s how it is. but just for the record…i’m in love again

Monday, May 17, 2010

Acoustic Versions

"Our wonderful composer, Carly Howard, has spent the last couple months orchestrating different parts for all of the songs for Hansel and Gretel. They are now mostly filled in with cello, glockenspiel, tambourine, drums. I love the way they sound, and with the help of our music director, David Harris (who also notated all of the music ) they will be filled in even more to produce a final sound that is rich and dynamic.

I just recently went back and listened to the very first recordings that Carly did for Haunted and Hunted and Witches Have Red Eyes. These acoustic demos are somehow refreshing in their simplicity. They are spirited and emotive and re-ignite my passion for this project all over again. On the website, you can now listen to the first ever recorded version of Witches Have Red Eyes, and then also listen to the orchestrated version."

Chad Howard taken from

Tuesday, May 11, 2010